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  • 精品推荐 —— 齐白石《草虫图》

    发布时间: 2024-03-29 14:33首页:主页 > 国内 > 阅读()

    Recommended Boutique -- Qi Baishi's "Picture of Grass and Insects"

    *本次藏品 齐白石 《草虫图》 设色纸本

    款识:寄萍老人齐白石制  钤印:齐大


    Qi Baishi (1864-1957), formerly known as Chunzhi, the word Weiqing, the name of the Lanting, later changed his name to Juan, the word endangered life, the name of the White Stone, White Stone Mountain Weng, the old ping, hungry old man, borrowed from the mountain chanting pavilion owner, the old man on the Hall of the send ping, the rich man of three hundred stone prints, Hunan Xiangtan people. Qi Baishi used to be a carpenter in his early years, and later sold paintings for a living, and his calligraphy, painting and printing were all perfect. Qi Baishi advocated that art is "between likeness and unlikeness", and in his declining years, he changed his method, forming a unique style of Chinese painting in large capitals, opening a school of red flowers and ink leaves, especially fruits and vegetables, flowers, birds, insects and fish for the work of the best, as well as figures and landscapes, with majestic and moist ink and brushwork, rich and bright colors, concise and vivid modeling, simple and simple mood, and the sky and the fun of the world, which reached the highest peak of Chinese modern flower and bird paintings. His flower and bird paintings have reached the highest peak of modern Chinese painting. His calligraphy is characterized by seal script and official script, which is based on the Qin and Han Dynasties, and his running script has a sense of antiquity and clumsiness; his printing style is majestic and unbridled, and he has created his own style, representing the modern period of the transmutation of printing styles. Qi Baishi's strong local flavor and naive and romantic childishness, rich in poetic flavor, is the inner life of Qi Baishi's art; while the warm and bright colors, simple and childish modeling and brushwork, the extreme synthesis of work and writing, and the composition of the plainness of Qi Baishi's art is the outer life. Qi Baishi's honors and social status in his later years are numerous, the Ministry of Culture awarded him the title of "People's Artist", and the World Peace Council elected him as a world cultural celebrity. He is the author of Borrowed Mountain Ginkan Poetry and Cursive, Baishi Poetry and Cursive, Baishi Seal and Cursive, and Autobiography of the Elderly Baishi, etc. He has published the Complete Works of Qi Baishi. He has published nearly one hundred collections of paintings, including The Complete Works of Qi Baishi.

    *本次藏品 齐白石 《草虫图》 设色纸本

    款识:寄萍老人齐白石制  钤印:齐大


    Recently, our company collected a Qi Baishi's "grass insects", the collection size is 83cm long and 44.5cm wide. The meticulous bay leaf grass insect is the original painting theme of the old man in the creation of Chinese painting. The bay leaf is the leaf of the bodhi tree, which is not seen in the north, but more common in Guangdong and Guangxi areas. The leaf is oval and the leaf tip is long. Throughout the collection, the meticulous grass insects under the pen of Qi Baishi are equipped with the freehand bay leaf, which is very full of flavor. The grass insects are not rigid, and the bay leaf is well developed, which is a strong contrast. The three grass insects painted are meticulous and lifelike. The painting of the stem of the plant is powerful. The brush of the roof leakage marks the roughness and strength of the leaf stem, and the brush of the fork shows the toughness of the stem. The bay leaf adopts the method of working with writing. First, the veins of the leaf are outlined with round lines, and then the pale color is stained with a thick brush. The leaf painting has both the rigorous and delicate feeling of the meticulous brush and the lingering flavor of the freehand ink blending. Thin as cicada wings, the transparency is very strong. It becomes the transition and connection between the freehand of the coordinated stem and the fine work of the insect, making the picture integrated and coordinated. The depiction of the insect is very delicate, both in form and spirit, vivid and vivid. The head and body are fine and not greasy, and the details are very fine. The hardness of the insect bones, the transparency of the wings, the delicate and agile whiskers, the coordination and coordination of the feet during the action, the subtle echo between insects and insects, and the echo between insects and plants are all depicted in depth and delicacy, which leaps out on the paper. The insects happily shuttle and jump between the branches and leaves, making the painting more real, vivid and full of artistic charm.


    The grass bugs in the painting are small in size, and some of the specific structures are even smaller. When enlarged, the tentacles on the head, the barbs on the feet, and the patterns on the wings of the worm are clearly recognizable, and the old man Baishi has brought to life the most original and natural aspects of life.


    For information about the above collections, please contact: Sichuan Junzailai Auction Group Co., Ltd.


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